Ultras di Francesco Lettieri-1

Ultras di Francesco Lettieri

In Cultura by staff

“Ultras, opera prima del giovane regista Francesco Lettieri,

Lo scorso 20 Marzo, su Netflix, è stato presento il film “Ultras”, opera prima del giovane regista Francesco Lettieri, già noto per i suoi videoclip musicali. La pellicola è stata da molti ferocemente criticata. Ci siamo confrontati “Ultras”, con lo scrittore Stefano Cortese, apprezzato per il romanzo storico “L’osco” (Valtrend Editore), che nelle prossime settimane presenterà il suo nuovo libro “Manzoni è morto”, edito Homo Scrivens.

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“Ultras, debut feature by young director Francesco Lettieri.

Last March 20, on Netflix, the film “Ultras” was presented, the first work of the young director Francesco Lettieri, already known for his music videos. The film has been fiercely criticized by many. We discussed “Ultras”, with the writer Stefano Cortese, appreciated for the historical novel “L’osco” (Valtrend Editore), which in the coming weeks will present his new book “Manzoni is dead”, published by Homo Scrivens: ” “Ultras”, in my opinion, says the same thing. Its protagonists, perhaps, are no longer dressed in tanned tunic and leather and do not wander around armed with spears in the forests of Latium vetus, but participate in the same epic of Fate, are subject, in short, to the same, inviolable, laws. The ultras of Lettieri share a series of precise and irrefutable rituals on which the spiritual integrity of the group is based. They are tribal rituals, like those of the ancient Italic Peoples or, precisely, those of the American Indians.”

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