Antiquarium di Boscoreale: inaugurata la Mostra Il Villaggio Protostorico di Longola.
Presso l’Antiquarium di Boscoreale, in provincia di Napoli, ha preso il via, due giorni fa, la mostra dal titolo Il Villaggio Protostorico di Longola. si tratta di una straordinaria esposizione interamente dedicata al sito di Longola, venuto alla luce, quasi per caso, nel 2000, mentre venivano realizzati i lavori dell’impianto di depurazione della zona tra Poggiomarino e Striano, nel vesuviano. Il sito archeologico in questione, in realtà, è un magnifico sito perifluviale che racchiude i resti di un villaggio dell’età del bronzo (XV-XIV sec. a.C.) fatto di isolotti ricavati da una laguna formata dal fiume in cui risiedeva l’antico popolo dei Sarrasti.
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Antiquarium of Boscoreale: the exhibition The Protohistoric Village of Longola was inaugurated.
At the Antiquarium of Boscoreale, in the province of Naples, the exhibition entitled The Protohistoric Village of Longola started two days ago. This is an extraordinary exhibition entirely dedicated to the site of Longola, which came to light, almost by chance, in 2000, while work was being carried out on the purification plant in the area between Poggiomarino and Striano, in the Vesuvian area. The archaeological site in question, in reality, is a magnificent peripheral site that contains the remains of a bronze age village (15th-14th century BC) made up of small islands formed by a lagoon formed by the river where the ancient resided Sarrasti people.
The town built in the Sarno valley, boasted a very strategic position and well connected with the neighboring districts. The houses were species of huts differing in orientation, shape and articulation of spaces. The exhibition The Protohistoric Village of Longola contains an exhibition of finds connected to the main productive activities of the town.
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