Napoli fashion on the road in cattedra

In Cultura by staff

Napoli fashion on the road in cattedra - universita di salernoNapoli fashion on the road all’Università di Salerno.

Tra Ottobre e Dicembre di quest’anno, si svolgeranno i corsi di orientamento alle nuove professioni del Marketing dedicati esclusivamente agli allievi ed ai laureati del DISA-MIS, ovvero il Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali & Management Innovation Systems, dell’Università di Salerno, nell’ambito delle attività di orientamento e comunicazione. Col coordinamento dei responsabili scientifici, Prof. Francesco Polese e Prof.ssa Vittoria Marino, verranno proposti 8 seminari, alla presenza di docenti, esperti e rappresentanti del mondo delle imprese: Luxury marketing, Neuromarketing, Food & Beverage marketing, Smart technologies & Tourism marketing, Big data & Marketing analytics, Service Marketing, Influencer & Digital marketing, Writing & Web marketing.

Il giorno 9 novembre, in uno degli 8 seminari programmati, interverrà anche il team di Napoli fashion on the road, progetto di marketing territoriale, che da oltre 2 anni e mezzo riscuote ottimo successo sulla Rete. L’incontro, che sarà focalizzato sul tourism marketing, consentirà di presentare l’originale l’iniziativa, unica in Europa nel suo genere, agli studenti dell’ateneo salernitano.

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Napoli fashion on the road at the University of Salerno.

Between October and December of this year, courses will be held to orientate the new Marketing professions dedicated exclusively to the students and graduates of DISA-MIS, ie the Department of Business Sciences & Management Innovation Systems, of the University of Salerno, in scope of guidance and communication activities. With the coordination of the scientific managers, Prof. Francesco Polese and Prof.ssa Vittoria Marino, 8 seminars will be offered in the presence of professors, experts and representatives of the business world: Luxury marketing, Neuromarketing, Food & Beverage marketing, Smart technologies & Tourism marketing , Big Data & Marketing Analytics, Service Marketing, Influencers & Digital Marketing, Writing & Web Marketing.

On November 9th, in one of the 8 scheduled seminars, the Napoli fashion on the road team will intervene, a territorial marketing project, which has enjoyed great success on the Internet for over 2 and a half years. The meeting will focus on tourism marketing, will make it possible to present the original initiative, unique in Europe of its kind, to students of the University of Salerno.

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